
Since two recent 3 a.m. vertigo attacks, I’ve been waking up with fear and dread of another surprise strike. These weren’t dips into a woozy dizzy swaying world, but deep seasick whole-body spasms–you would not like to hear details. The inner ear docs aim to figure it out, but in the meantime I’m exploring howContinue reading “Cracked”


I’ve been hunched over the computer too long. My shoulders need stretching and my inner child needs to wake up before I calcify into an old fogey. Back in the day, dancing enlivened my routine life–polkas, waltzes, swing, belly, aikido, and folk dancing from around the world. The joy connection was so strong I thoughtContinue reading “Dance”

Ruth Downes, Miniature Bookbinder Artist

Paper Legends, opening Friday, Jan. 20 at Gualala Arts, features unique, amazing paper artists who will inspire and delight us. Ruth Downes is among the dozen artists, but before launching into the story of her library of teensy tomes, here’s the list of other artists who will also command our attention: Donnalynn Chase, Jackie Gardner,Continue reading “Ruth Downes, Miniature Bookbinder Artist”

Pie Day in Mullen, Iowa: June 6

As friends describe their jolly summer car trips, I feel jealous. I’m glad they are adventuring, but that’s not in the cards for us this year. My workaround is to peek through the rear view window of time and savor the car camp trip to our niece’s Chicago wedding in June, 2019. Tables are fullContinue reading “Pie Day in Mullen, Iowa: June 6”

Jim’s Bitchin’ Kitchen

Jim and I have become elders. Seems like over night we’re over the hill, making adjustments, shedding old habits and expectations, wondering how on earth we’re going to cope with extreme old age. We’re picking up tips about each other’s domain–when one of us knocks off, the other will somehow survive. Jim is learning toContinue reading “Jim’s Bitchin’ Kitchen”